donderdag 21 maart 2013


This week we discovered a really cool new idea in foodland
(well, we guess it is quite new since they only started this december and we've never seen it before!)

FoodWeLove is a box. A box full of surprises!
The philosofy behind it:
When you know where food comes from, it tastes better and gives a great experience!

Every month you'll get 5-7 products in a box, you don't know what's in there, that is the surprise! But you do know that it contains products of the best quality and with a great story behind it.
Almost everything looks great and comes in full size, no sample sizes at all, and if there's
something in the box you don't like.. it wil make a great gift!

We immediatly signed up and guess what?! The box is already in!
C is actually jumping around the room!



 By opening the box this was the first look! How cool!

Inside were 6 really nice products! 

For the great stories behind the products, go to the FoodWeLove website,
and really, do NOT hesitate to sign up!

Conclusion? WE LOVE! 
We can't wait for the next box to arrive!


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